Battle Dodgeball 2

(Japan Only)

What Gundams do in their spare time when not being controlled by a human.

"There ain't enough room here for you,         I think some Tylenol can take care of                 Brittany Spears' latest record...

Gundam F-91!"                                            that. Anyway... Go ZZ Gundam!

                I have no sarcasm...                      YAY! A Unicorn! I'll call him "Fluffy"

Ironhawk's Review

Graphics: 6        This looks like a dressed-up NES game, or an early SNES game.  Which it was.  The sprites are nice; the Gundams look like those gif avatars and icons that you could download from  That's not a bad thing, though, the developers did well with what they had.

Sound: 5            Repetitive sound effects and repetitive music make for a repetitive aural experience.

Playability: 8      Very easy to pick up and play.  Dodgeball games are surprisingly fun.

Concept: 3        -Chairman of Banpresto: (to the board of directors) Well, gang, the shareholders are getting antsy, so it's time to release a new game.
                         -Bigwig 1: Erhem, quite.
                         -Bigwig 2: Wait a minute.  Why does it have to be a new game?
                         -Chairman: ... I don't quite follow you, Matsumara-san.  Please explain.
                         -Bigwig 2: Back in 1991, the popularity of our first Battle Dodgeball game took this company on a great wave of success.  We can ride that wave
                                          once again.  That is...
                         -Chairman: Yes!  We must call on the power of Gundam!
                         -Bigwig 1: For Gundam!
                         -Bigwig 3: For Gundam!
                         -Bigwig 4: For Merchandising!
                         -Bigwig 5: For Sequels!
                         -Bigwig 6: But the Gundam is what made our first game what it was.  Will it be up to the task for a second game?
                         -Bigwig 2: Sure.  We'll use the same characters and the same concept as last time.  We'll just rework the control scheme a little... there.  Now we
                                          have special attacks!
                         -Chairman: Good thinking.  So to summarize, Battle Dodgeball II will be the same game as Battle Dodgeball one, but with a worse control scheme
                                           and cheap special attacks.  Good.  Well, let's get to rehashing.
Retro Value: 6    If you don't have a dodgeball video game, this is a good enough one as any.

Overall: 7           This game would be good as a rental if they still rented Japanese Super Nintendo games.  So it's a blast for a while, then it gets dull.

Nightowl's Review

Graphics: 7    Animé-ish  graphics make for a comical style... but I don't know why there are invisible "Force Fields" around the characters. They weren't in the last game. They make it hard to time your catches. Which is what half the game is about!

Sound: 2    The music... hold on. I can't remember the music. And I just finished playing it about 5 minutes ago. Also, the dying sound is the exact same one from "The Adventures of Lolo."

Playability: 5    As I said, the force fields are annoying. But those special attacks are just plain cheap. There's no way to avoid them. And it does damage to all three of your team members! And all you have to do is push L + R + A at the same time! That's just bogus!

Concept: 3    "Hey! Let's make a sequel that's worse than the original... and put more Gundam's in it! Let's do the Macarena!"

Retro Value: 3     I'll play "Battle Dodgeball One" Thank you very much.

Overall : 3     This game is one of the first ever to have the ":Mario Party" Virus. They took the same game from before and tried to make it cooler... but only made it worse. Go figure.